
A simple way to create an elegant gallery of your best photos hosted on Flickr.

View the Project on GitHub janten/flickr-gallery

PHP Gallery for Flickr

A simple way to create an elegant gallery of your best photos hosted on Flickr.



Copy all of this repositories files to your server.


  1. Open includes/html/head.htm and enter a sensible title for your new website and put it in the <title> tag.
  2. Open includes/html/foot.htm with your favorite text editor and replace my details and profile links with yours. Delete everything you may not want to publish.
  3. Open images.txt, enter the IDs of the photos you want to publish, each in a separate line.
  4. Launch your favorite web browser and navigate to This will parse your images.txt and build your website.
  5. Done! You should be able to see your site at

Repeat steps 3. and 4. whenever you add or remove any images to your images.txt.



This product uses the Flickr API but is not endorsed or certified by Flickr. It uses the socialico font by Fontfabric and Arvo by Anton Koovit.